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来源:考试网  [ 2020年11月18日 ]  【


  (1) It [saundz] ____good. Let's go and meet them.

  (2) Our teacher came into the classroom with a big [smail] ____on her face.

  (3) Which ['S?bd?ikt] ____do you like best?

  (4) What ['prez?nts] ____will you give our teachers for Teachers' Day?

  (5) Who [w?n] ____the [g?:1z] ____long jump?

  (6) At the end of the second [l?p] ____Jim and Tom [pa:st] ____on their [stiks] ____at the same time.

  (7) Last week our school [held] ____a sports meeting on the ['pleigraund]

  (8) Please don't make any [n?iz] ____, vour mother is ['sli:pi?] ___.

  (9) Does he like lcarning a ['f?ran]____['l??gwid?]

  (10) Who has ['br?uk?n]____the window?

  (11) The farmers have built a new [brid?]____over the river.

  (12) Could you tell me the way to the ['ma:kit] _?

  (13) Grass and trees begin to [gr?u]____in spring.

  (14) Can you give me a cup of water? I am ['θ?:sti]____.

  (15) The C,hinese built the Great Wall without any ['m?d?n]____machines in the old days.

  (16) "Which jacket cio you prefer?"

  "I prefer the [lait]____green one. "

  (17) Hearing the music, she began to [da:ns]____.

  (18) We don't know ['wee?]____it'll rain or not tomorrow.

  (19) [tai]____the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.

  (20) Man-made ['s?ta?laits]____have been sent up into space by many countries.

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