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来源:考试网  [ 2019年1月7日 ]  【

  Part II. Cloze Test (30 points)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the passage carefully and choose the one that fits right into the passage.

  I grew up knowing I was different, and I 16 it. I was born with a misshapen (畸形的)lip. When my schoolmates asked, “What happened to your 17 ?” I’d tell them I’d fallen and 18 it on a piece of glass. Somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born 19 . I was sure that no one 20 my family could love me, or even liked me. Then I entered Mrs. Leonard’s second-grade class.

  Mrs. Leonard was round and pretty, with shining brown hair and warm, dark, 21 eyes. Everyone admired her. But 22 came to love her more than I did. And I loved her for a 23 reason.

  The time came for the 24 tests given at our school. I could only just hear out of one ear, and I didn’t want others to know that I was different. So I cheated.

  The “whisper test” 25 each child to go to the classroom door, turn sideways, close one ear with a finger, 26 the teacher whispered something from her desk, which the child repeated. Then the same for the other ear. Nobody checked how tightly the 27 ear was covered, so I only pretended to block mine.

  As 28 I was the last. But all through the testing I 29 what Mrs. Leonard might say to me. I knew from previous tests that the teacher 30 things like “The sky is blue.” Or “Do you have new shoes?”

  My 31 came. I turned my bad ear toward her, plugging up the other just enough to be able to hear. I waited and then came the 32 words that changed my life 33 .

  Mrs. Leonard, the teacher I 34 , said softly, “I 35 you were my little girl.”

  16. A. loved B. expected C. hated D. liked

  17. A. lip B. ear C. finger D. eyes

  18. A. beaten B. cut C. formed D. killed

  19. A. similar B. happy C. sad D. different

  20. A. inside B. with C. for D. outside

  21. A. surprising B. smiling C. frightening D. blinding

  22. A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. someone

  23. A. special B. strange C. usual D. simple

  24. A. math B. history C. hearing D. blood

  25. A. encouraged B. persuaded C. agreed D. required

  26. A. if B. even if C. as if D. while

  27. A. untested B. left C. bad D. tested

  28. A. unusual B. usually C. usual D. unusually

  29. A. examined B. wondered C. understood D. heard

  30. A. questioned B. announced C. shouted D. whispered

  31. A. time B. way C. opportunity D. chance

  32. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

  33. A. sometimes B. often C. all D. forever

  34. A. knew B. admired C. realized D. spoke

  35. A. expect B. wish C. wanted D. knew

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