1. It is stated in the passage that ______.
A. it is unusual for a person to be able to identify a face satisfactorily
B. the ability to recognize faces unhesitatingly is an unusual gift
C. quit a few people can visualize faces they have seen
D. few people can give exact details of the appearance of a face
2. What the author feels strange about is that _______.
A. people have the tremendous ability to recognize more than 1,000 faces
B. people don’t think much of the problem of how and why we acquire the ability to recognize and remember faces
C. people don’t realize how essential and valuable it is for them to have the ability to recognize faces
D. people have been arguing much over the way people recognize and remember faces
3. What is the first suggested explanation of the origin of the ability?
A. It is one of the characteristics peculiar to hu
考试用书man beings.
B. It is acquired soon after birth.
C. It is something we can do from the very moment we are born.
D. It is learned from our environment and experiences.
4. According to the passage, how important is the ability to recognize faces?
A. It is useful in daily life but is not necessarily essential.
B. It is absence would make normal everyday life impossible.
C. Under certain circumstances we could not exist without it.
D. Normal social life would be difficult without it.
5. This passage seems to emphasize that ______.
A. the ability to recognize individuals is dependent on other senses as well as sight
B. sight is indispensable to recognizing individuals
C. the ability to recognise faces is a special inborn ability of the brain
D. the importance of the ability of recognize faces in fully appreciated by people.