易混词主要考查近义词混用和形近词混淆。英语词汇中有很多词在拼写上、语义上很相似,如assure / ensure, rise / arise /raise, effect / affect, adopt / adapt,likely / probable,accept / receive,like / as,cost / spend等, 但是它们的用法却迥然不同。这些易混淆的词构成六级改错的一个重要错误类型。
例1: His persistence was awarded when the car finally started. ________
例2:A diversity committee composed of reporters, editors, and
photographers meets regularly to value the Seattle Times’ S5.________
content and to educate the rest of the newsroom staff about
diversity issues.
解析:动词value有两个含义:第一,to think that someone or something is important,比如I value our friendship。第二,to decide how much money something is worth,比如we decide to get this house valued。不论哪个含义,用于此都不适合。从文中可以推测这些人碰头人是为了judge how good, useful, or successful the paper is,因此要用evaluate。
例3:Leprosy is caused by bacteria spread through liquid from the nose
and mouth. The disease mainly effects the skin and nerves. S4.________
解析:effect 作动词时意为“产生,招致(某种结果);实现,完成”,但此处需要表示“影响”,故将effects -%26gt; affects.