中国航天工程神舟号宇宙飞船以其十次成功发射给全世界留下了印象。1992年,中国载人航天工程正式获得批准。1999年11月20日,中国首只无人操作飞船“神舟一号”成功发射,这标志着中国在太空探索中取得首个巨大突破。在接下来的三年,无人操作飞船的几次试验飞行(test flight)相继执行。第五次发射的“神舟五号”在2003年10月15日第一次将中国首位宇航员送入太空。自此,中国成为继俄罗斯和美国之后第三个具备自主载人航天能力的国家。
Shenzhou spacecraft of China’s space program has already made a worldwide impression with 10 successful blastoffs. China’s Manned Space Program was formally approved In 1992. On November 20, 1999, China’s first unmanned spacecraft, Shenzhou 1, was successfully launched, which marked China’s first great breakthrough in space exploration. In the following three years, several test flights of unmanned spacecrafts were successively carried out. The fifth launch, Shenzhou 5, was the first to carry first Chinese astronaut into space on 15 October 2003. Since then, China has became the third country in the world to have independent manned space flight capability after Russia and the United States.