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来源:考试网   2019-09-20   【

  Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed it to be. Astronauts who are (1) to go there in the next decade may find plenty (2) water to slake(消除) their thirst.

  And with water present the (3) of finding some sort of life on Mars are (4) brighter.

  This is the view of 40 (5) all over the world who have been analyzing (6) of pictures and other scientific (7) obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies.

  To begin with, scientists thought the Red Planet was as (8) as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy (9) . But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by (10) glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground.

  In a report on the (11) of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the U.S. Geological Survey comments, "I am (12) there's lots of water on Mars." Any surface water will be in the (13) of ice. But it could (14) explorers having to take so much fresh (15) with them.

  The report says (16) Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages (17) due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun.

  (18) convincing signs of plant or animal life have been (19) by instruments soft. landed on Mars, (20) only the immediate vicinity of landing vehicles could be examined.

  1. [A] expected [B] hoped

  [C] required [D] eager

  2. [A] to [B] of

  [C] more [D] in

  3. [A] chances [B] openings

  [C] occasions [D] opportunities

  4. [A] quite [B] very

  [C] much [D] more

  5. [A] biologists [B] geologists

  [C] sociologists [D] psychologists

  6. [A] lots [B] quantifies

  [C] thousand [D] thousands

  7. [A] tidings [B] news

  [C] intelligence [D] information

  8. [A] peaceful [B] quiet

  [C] lifeless [D] dead

  9. [A] deserts [B] mountains

  [C] seas [D] rivers

  10. [A] energetic [B] great

  [C] massive [D] mighty

  11. [A] diagnosis [B] syntheses

  [C] analysis [D] analyses

  12. [A] convinced [B] guaranteed

  [C] believed [D] proved

  13. [A] appearance [B] mould

  [C] form [D] shape

  14. [A] help [B] save

  [C] carry [D] prevent

  15. [A] water [B] ice

  [C] food [D] vegetable

  16. [A] what [B] if

  [C] how [D] that

  17. [A] pass [B] past

  [C] ago [D] before

  18. [A] Not [B] No

  [C] Nor [D] Never

  19. [A] detected [B] touched

  [C] seen [D] felt

  20. [A] probably [B] perhaps

  [C] supposed [D] although


  1.A 词义辨析。expect sb.to do sth.意为“期望某人做某事”,常用于被动语态。 hope意为“希望”,不能用于“宾语+宾语补足语”的结构;require意为“命令”,其用法为require sb.to do sth.;eager意为,“渴望的”,是形容词,be eager to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”,不符合题意。

  2.B 固定搭配。plenty of(许多)是固定搭配,其后可接不可数名词或可数名词复数。

  3.A 名词辨析。本句意为:有了水的存在,在火星上发现某种生命的更有希望。由于第二个空格要填入的是比较级的修饰词,所以该空格不影响对句子的理解,因此只要集中判断第一个空格即可。chances意为“可能性”;opening意为“职位的空缺;有利的环境”;occasion意为“合适时机”; opporturnity意为“机会”,侧重指做某事的条件或时机。

  4.C 语法结构。四个选项中,只有much可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示比较的程度。

  5.B 名同辨析。根据常识,研究火星的应是geologist(地质学家)。biologist意为“生物学家”;sociologist意为“社会学家”;psychologist意为“心理学家”。

  6.D 固定搭配。“______ of pictures”和“other scientific______”是并列结构,由表被动语态的过去分词短语obtained by robot explorers....修饰,根据常识,机器人探测器在六七十年代获取的照片应该非常多,所以第一个空格处应该填入thousands of(许多的,成千上万的),来表达“极多”的含义。

  7.D名词辨析。由于and连接的是并列结构,所以此处应该填入一个与picture对应的能够用scientific修饰的词,所以答案是information,scientific information表示“科技信息”。intelligence多指市场信息和军事情报。


  9.A名词辨析。根据空格前的dust storms swirling vast sandy…可以推断描述的是沙漠的景象,故选deserts。


  11.C 名词辨析,结合选项和句意分析,空格处应该填入一个名词,并且该名词的动词形式能够与the Martian pictures搭配,故而可以首先排除diagnosis (诊断)。systheses(综合)是指将不同的事物或观点合在一起,使之成为一个新的整体,与文意不符,故也可以排除。此处只能选analysis(分析)。

  12.A 动词辨析,I am convinced…意为“我被说服相信……”。guarantee意为“保证”,believe意为“相信”,一般不用于被动语态;proved不合题意,不能说“我被证明……”。

  13.C 名词辨析。根据常识,冰是水的一种存在形式,所以选form。appearance意为“外表,外观”;mould意为“铸模,模子”;shape意为“外形,形状”。

  14.B 动词辨析。由转折连词but可知,此句是对上文的转折。上文说火星上任何的地表水都是以冰的形式存在的。结合“______explorers having to take so much fresh ________ with them”可以推断,but后说的应该是“探测者们不必带太多新鲜的水”,故此处应选save(节省),save sb.(from) doing sth.意为“省去(某人的)劳力”。

  15.A 名词辨析。由80题解析可知,此处应该选water。ice不与fresh搭配,且与文意不符。C和D在文中没有相关信息支持。

  16.D 连词辨析。通过分析句子结构可知,say后接宾语从句,故选that。what不是从属连词;if引导宾语从句时,前面的动词一般是ask,doubt,don't know,不用say;how一般引导主语从句。

  17.B 形容词辨析。固定搭配in ages/time past(很久以前,在过去)。

  18.B 词义辨析。此空格处应填no,no可以放在单数及复数名词前,也可放在句首。not放在可数名词前;nor是连词,常与neither连用,不能作定语修饰名词;never作副词放在句首时,句子应倒装。


  20.D词义辨析。通过分析句子结构可知,空格处需要填入连词来连接前后两个分句,所以可以首先排除A和B。空格所在的分句意为:只有登陆车附近的区域可以检查,说明前半句得出的结论是有前提条件的,所以此处应选 although引导让步状语从句。suppose表假设引导句子时,后面需加that。
