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来源:考试网   2010-07-05   【


  Part I Writing

  One possible version:

  No Smoking in Public Places

  Some smokers still breathe out cigarette smoke in public places, although it is not allowed in these areas. A few of them even regard smoking as their own freedom and right.

  It has been confirmed by many international medical research institutes that smoking is dangerous. For one thing, smoking can have harmful effects on humans’ health. Smoking has been linked to an endless list of serious health problems such as lung cancer, heart disease and so on. For another, by smoking in public places the smoker is forcing everyone in the vicinity to smoke too. For years, a lot of non-smokers have had to endure the unpleasant experience of inhaling stale cigarette smoke, especially those who work in public places, such as bars or restaurants.

  Several measures should be adopted to stop smoking in public places. First, laws should be made in detail and those who break the laws should be severely punished; second, society should create an atmosphere where no smoking is the social norm. For this to be successful, overwhelming public support is necessary.

Part II Reading Comprehension

  (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. Y。参见第一部分第二段中"Culture shock can make one develop a better understanding of oneself and stimulate personal creativity."可知,文化冲击可以让人们可以更好地了解自我,激发个人创造力。

  2. Y。参见第一部分第一段中"Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations."可知,在遇到大量全新而陌生的人或事的情况下,人们会因文化冲击而产生迷惘和困惑的感觉。

  3. N。参见第二部分第一段中"In this first stage, the new arrival ... as everything encountered is new and exciting."可知,在第一个阶段里,人们会对全新的环境产生欣喜、兴奋的感 觉。

  4. Y。参见第二部分第三段可知,在第三阶段里,人们会因为对新文化的了解而拥有方向感,并再次产生欣喜的感觉。

  5. NG。文中并未提到只有年轻人可以避免受到文化冲击。

  6. Y。参见第二部分第五段中"This occurs when a return to the country of origin is made. One may find that things are no longer the same. For example, some of the newly acquired customs are not in use in the old culture."可知,在这个阶段里,人们会因难以适应原文化环境而再次感到文化冲击。

  7. N。参见第三部分第一段中"The majority of emigrant individuals and families have the ability to positively confront the obstacles of a new environment."可知,大多数移民个人或移民家庭都能积极地适应新环境。

  8. have a feeling of direction。参见第二部分第三段中"The new arrival may not feel as lost and starts to have a feeling of direction."。

  9. contribute to。参见第一部分第一段中"Many things contribute to it-smells, sounds, flavors and the very feeling of the air one is breathing."。

  10. Pay attention to。参见第三部分中 "Pay attention to relationships with your family and your colleagues. They will serve as support for you in difficult times."。

Part III Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  11. C)。此处需要一个动词。全句大意为:由相关人士提供的几条巧妙策略可以助你旅途畅通。故选C) offered。

  12. J)。此处需要一个动词。句意参见上题解析。故选J) smooth。

  13. E)。此处需要一个名词。全句大意为:你可以上网搜索包办航班,或选择淡季出行,这样可以买到便宜票。故选E) fare,意为"飞机票价,车费"。

  14. H)。此处需要一个副词。全句大意为:你最好备有其他航空公司的航班信息,以防遇到机票买不到的情况。

  15. B)。此处需要一个动词。全句大意为:一旦发现有空位,马上订下来。故选B) reserve,意为"预订,预约"。

  16. I)。此处需要一个动词。全句大意为:你可以选择早上的航班,以免遇到航班被延误或取消的情况。故选I) avoid。

  17. K)。此处需要一个介词。全句大意为:一天当中不可预知的麻烦事情会越来越多,所以赶航班趁早,以免延误。

  18. D)。此处需要一个代词。全句大意为:有什么办法可以保证行李同你


  19. L)。此处需要一个动词。全句大意为:要确定行李标签上写的地方与你要去的地方相符。故选L) match,意为"与……相符或相一致"。

Section B

  Passage One

  21. A)。通读全文可知,第一段讲Margaret Mead的设想:假设男性和女性的行为仅仅只是由生物学意义上的不同导致的,那么不同文化中的两性行为应该是一致的。反过来推理,如果不同文化下的两性行为不相同,则说明性别行为差异更依赖于文化特征而不是生物特征。在第二段中,Margaret Mead通过对3个部落的研究,来证明这种设想。第三段论证结果。故选A)。

  22. C)。参见第二段中"She found that both men and women exhibited characteristics that are traditionally considered feminine: they were sensitive to each others’ feelings and ex-pressed emotions."可知,阿拉佩什人男女的行为相似,他们都很感性,善于表达感情。故选C)。

  23. A)。参见第二段中"Mead found that males and females ... and the women were dominant and aggressive."可知,德昌布利人男女的行为相反:男人性格温顺,多愁善感;女人则性格强势,争强好斗。运用排除法。故选A) obedient,意为"服从的"。

  24. A)。参见第二段中"In this second society, both men and women exhibited characteristics that are traditionally considered male: they were harsh and aggressive."可知,蒙杜古马人部落的男人和女人都表现粗野,具攻击性。故A)中的说法有误。

  25. B)。纵观全文:第一段阐述Margaret Mead的设想;第二段讲述她对3个部落的观察和研究;最后一段则是结论。本文主旨大意是介绍Margaret Mead的设想和研究。故选B)。

  Passage Two

  26. A)。参见第一段中"..., it was essential to the economies ... would not have been possible without hemp."可知,大麻曾被用来制成航船上的绳索和船缆。可以说,如果没有大麻,殖民扩张和全球贸易网络不可能建立。故选A)。

  27. B)。参见第一段中"..., but scientists are suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, ..."可知,因为单位面积的大麻产出的纸是树产纸的四倍,所以科学家们认为应该恢复大麻的种植,以生产更多的纸浆和纸。故选B)。
