China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Thursday said that it will work with related agencies to carry out pilot programs for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade in selected regions.
The move is aimed at clearing the institutional obstacles to the integration of domestic and foreign trade, helping market players make full use of the two markets and realizing the efficient operation of domestic and foreign trade, MOC spokesperson Gao Feng said during an online news briefing.
Specific tasks include pushing the alignment of rules, giving full play to the roles of free trade pilot zones and free trade ports, enhancing reforms and innovation, and promoting the effective connection of domestic and foreign trade rules.
The regions will actively convert domestic and international standards, and improve the mutual recognition level for inspection, quarantine, certification and accreditation, according to the MOC.
Efforts will be made to ensure lines, standards and quality are consistent among domestic and foreign trade products, and to reduce the cost of product interchange in domestic and foreign markets.
Other measures will be taken to connect online and offline platforms in the two markets, foster a batch of outstanding trade businesses and accelerate digital transformation.
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