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来源:考试网   2015-12-30【


  In a slowing U.S economy, job opportunities are shaped by uncertainty. As president of a small college, I am keenly aware of the job market that awaits this year’s graduates. The recent news that Bear Steams was nullifying a few hundred job offers to business school students fits a pattern of corporate downsizing that isn’t lost on college campuses across the USA. But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year’s graduates. Sure, companies are laying off workers, but many are also looking for new talent, especially at the entry level.

  As more than a million entrants flood the job market, students should know that in a global marketplace, language skills will go a long way. So will flexibility. If a grad is ready to accept an entry-level job, give a little on job requirements and move if the company asks, chances are he’ll land a job. So despite the rising job losses, a new graduate should embrace the market as the first challenge of a long career.









  According to a well-informed source, before this year’s Spring Festival, Carrefour made its “first intimate contact” with Xindaxin company. Without doubt the Guangzhou Municipal Government served as the “matchmaker”. The two parties “had an affinity for each other” in only a few months. What on earth is Xindaxin’s appeal to Carrefour? It is of great concern to the outsiders / the public.

  Mr He, general manager of Xindaxin, instead of giving any positive response to this question, just made a general/ambiguous reply that Xindaxin boasts its uniqueness in the department stores industry in Guangzhou. Mr He disclosed that Xindaxin holds 35% of the shares of the newly-established company while Carrefour owns the other 65%: “which is in conformity with the policies of departments concerned, stipulating that the Chinese side must hold no less than 35% of the shares. ”


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