21. Birds of a feather flock together.一丘之貉。
22. Oil and water don't mix.水火不相容。
23. Better early than late.宁早勿迟。
24. Be slow choosing a friend;slower in changing.择友宜慎,弃友更宜慎。
25. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。
26. Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见心不烦。
27. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利于病。
28. Business is business.公事公办。
29. By uniting we stand;by dividing we fall.团结则昌,分裂则亡。
30. Care and diligence bring luck.细心勤奋,幸福之本。
31. Character iS the first and last word in the success.品德是成功的决定因素。
32. Complacency is the root of loss, and modesty is the cause of gain.满招损,谦受益。
33. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是向成功之路迈开的第一步。
34. Conquer the desires,or they will conquer you.人不克制欲望,欲望就克制人。
35. Constant dropping wears away a stone.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。/水滴石穿。
36. Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。
37. Difficulties strengthen the mind,as labor does the body. 劳动锻炼身体,困难锻炼意志。
38. Don’t put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置。
39. Early start makes easy stages.早点着手,事易成功。
40. Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。
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