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2014春季高级口译笔试答案与解析:听力上半场Spot Dictation

来源:考试网   2014-04-01【

  高口上半场听力Spot Dictation答案:

  1.To end hunger

  2.you feed him for life

  3.the barbed wire around the leg

  4.by the United Nations

  5.systematically deny hungry people

  6..are investing in people’s productivity

  7.are rightfully theirs

  8.marginalized and exploited

  9.sustain the work we do

  10. come together to work

  11. the lack of financial capital

  12. a unique feature

  13. on community land

  14. collective responsibility and action

  15. some Asian countries

  16. over 1100 local organizations

  17. create savings programs

  18. bakeries and small businesses

  19. become economically empowered

  20. family incomes have often tripled


  本篇以饥饿问题为主题,介绍了由联合国提出的Hunger Project在各国的进展。所填空格有一定难度,尤其是第3格所填的六个单词 “the barbed wire around the leg”,它处在第一段段尾,距离第二段段首的第4格仅隔了五个单词,考生很容易顾此失彼。但若能在听前纵览全文,较生疏的单词“barbed wire”已经出现在第二段段首,考生能有印象的话,之后听的过程中就不至于猝不及防。值得欣慰的是,多数长难词的词尾我们在课上进行过大量的练习,比如第6格“investing”中的ing后缀,“productivity”和第14格 “responsibility”中的ity后缀,第16格“organization”中的tion后缀。能在这些长难词上临阵不慌并节省时间,就能从容应付空格中的其它单词。

责编:tanhuifang 评论 纠错


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