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2014年翻译考试英语口译初级翻译参考译文Lesson 8

来源:考试网   2014-07-05【

  Multivariate family planning policy in China

  It has been over two decades since China adopted the Family Planning Policy. However, there still exist misunderstandings about this policy. People mistakenly think that China’s Family Planning Policy equals the One Child Policy, which allows one couple to have only one child. Their impression is that this policy is implemented more strictly in urban areas: in cities where people are better off, one couple can have only one child, while in the poor rural areas, one couple can have two or three children. Furthermore, they think that the One Child Policy is the cause of gender imbalance. I will now clarify these misunderstandings.

  As a matter of fact, the policy adopted in the early 1980s is a multivariate policy called the Family Planning Policy, or the fertility policy. Its multivariate nature can be proved by two facts.

  First, the total fertility rate in China now stands at 1.8, which means there is more than one child per family in most areas. For example, there is generally only one child in a family in urban areas, but two in rural areas, and three in ethnic minority areas. In some areas, like Tibet, there are no restrictions at all on the number of children a family can have. We can tell from this fact that China’s Family Planning Policy varies in accordance with the economic and social development level of different areas.

  Secondly, China is seeing an unbalanced sex ratio at birth at the moment. The sex ration at birth refers to the number of boys born per 100 girls born. This is not the same concept as the sex ratio of the total population.

  The unbalance is not entirely the result of the Family Planning Policy. I would like to cite two interesting examples. My first example is the Republic of Korea. In 1988, the sex ratio at birth in the ROK was 114, and the ratio now in China is 117. I believe there was no family planning policy in the ROK. My second example is Singapore, whose sex ration at birth in 1984 was 109. Why is it a common problem in Asia? There are two main reasons. The first reason is the influence of traditional culture and ideology, that is, a preference for sons, which poses a great problem for the sex ratio at birth. Second, China’s unbalanced birth ratio is attributable to the poor social security system in rural areas.

  The Chinese government has launched a nationwide Girl Care Project to hamper the rising sex ratio at birth. This project aims to educate the general public to abandon their traditional preference for male children and to advocate female children’s status and rights. Secondly, the Chinese government is also making an effort to establish and improve the social security system, particularly in rural areas.

  Thirdly, the phenomenon of allowing one child for urban families and two to three children for families in poor areas called as reverse selection of population quality. I have two points to make in this regard. The policy in rural areas is made in accordance with the economic situation there. The social security system is being gradually improved in rural areas. If a stringent One Child Policy is to be introduced in this process, the household insurance coverage is likely to be reduced for rural families. Therefore, the number of children allowed in rural families is dependent on the economic situation.






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