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来源:考试网   2014-10-10【

  Why mixing alcohol and caffeine is so deadly

  Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol.

  But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly.

  Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome."

  As a stimulant, caffeine jazzes up your whole body, increasing blood pressure, heart rate and, in some cases, causing heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. Caffeine also leads to headaches, jitteriness, agitation, stomach problems and abnormal breathing. It's the equivalent of an adrenaline rush.

  Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant that slows the brain's functioning and impairs one's ability to walk, talk and think clearly.

  Mixed, the stimulant and the depressant do not cancel each other out.



  Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol.


  But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly.


  Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome.


  As a stimulant, caffeine jazzes up your whole body, increasing blood pressure, heart rate and, in some cases, causing heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. Caffeine also leads to headaches, jitteriness, agitation, stomach problems and abnormal breathing. It's the equivalent of an adrenaline rush.


  Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant that slows the brain's functioning and impairs one's ability to walk, talk and think clearly.


  Mixed, the stimulant and the depressant do not cancel each other out.


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