It wasn’t rocket science, but it sure was clever.
To get his four-year-old daughter to sleep, atomic physicist Benjamin Ames pulled out Adelaide’s pink guitar, and recorded the two of them singing a duet.
It worked.
On the night of September 17, fireworks were going off for a celebration in Austria, Ames explained to Yahoo News. Adelaide couldn’t sleep. Even after the noise had stopped, Adelaide thought she still heard the explosions.
To distract her, quick-thinking Dad pulled out the child’s instrument.
The resulting three minutes of their stop-and-go rendition of “Tonight You Belong to Me” includes dramatic pauses where the songstress commands silence for the fireworks she keeps thinking she hears.
The finale features Adelaide belting out her part with some nice dramatic touches, so be sure to watch until the end.
Ames, who thought the performance was endearing, posted it to YouTube. Others agreed: The adorable daddy-and-daughter duet now has more than 180,000 views.
“It obviously resonated with me,” the 32-year-old American Ph.D. student at the University of Innsbruck told Yahoo News. ”I still look at it and I see the beauty in it, but it surprises me that others like it so much.”
“这段视频的确让我感受到了心灵的共鸣。” 32岁的艾姆斯正在斯布鲁克大学攻读博士学位,他对雅虎新闻表示说:“每次回头看这个视频,我都在里面都能看到美好,对别人也这么喜欢这个视频感到惊喜。”
The physicist definitely has a fun side. Last year the science whiz won Alan Alda’s “Flame Challenge,” to explain a flame to an 11-year-old — which he did with an animated video.
这位物理学家的确是一位有童心的爸爸。去年他通过制作动画视频成功的向一个11岁的儿童解释了什么是火焰,从而在艾伦·艾尔达(美国知 名导演)的“火焰挑战赛”中获胜。
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