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来源:考试网   2020-05-26【


  例 1: Blue-collar workers work in the factory.蓝领员工在工厂上班。

  例2: The Anglo-German industrial chemical company, announced that it is to cut 600 blue-calkir jobs in a series of downs/zing measures at three of its British plants.另争家英— 德工业化工公司宣布.准备对其三个英国工厂实行~系列精简措施,其中包括裁减 600个普通工人°


  例:He is chainnan of the Ixxird .他是董事会董事长

  board game董事会竞赛游戏,管理层竞赛游戏(一种高层管理模拟游戏.让参加者 分小组模拟解决实际商业问题,以培训参加者纟E1织管理能力)

  4列 1; Board games and simulations are fun, time-efficient and allow managers to experience situations without the fear of failure.董事会竞赛游戏和其他模拟商业活动趣味盘 然,安排紧庚,使经理们得以亲身体验解决各种实际问题,而无需担心失败。

  例2; In most of these tx)ard games , teams are required to manage an organisation or practise skills which they will need in their day-to-day working life.在这些管理层竞赛游 戏中,大多数都要求各竞赛小组对某一公司进行模报管理或训练他们日常工作生活中 必需的技能。

  board meeting 董事会议

  例:The takeover will be discussed at the next board meeting ・收购事宜将在下次董事 会上讨论。

  board of directors 董事会

  例; The Board of Directors is responsible for deciding on. and controlling the strategy of a corporaTion cr company.董事会决定公司的策略并对其加以实施管理。

  boardroom 1 (董事会等的)会议室

  例: The issue of ethics in the workplace is now of such importance that it needs to be incorporated into in-company development programmes [or all employees, frem the shop fkx>r to the boardroom .工作场所的道德问题如今已如此重要,有必要纳入从工场到


  boardroom (早期证券经纪行)置放黑板记载股票最新价格的房间,行情室

  body language身体语言

  仞!: Some people signal lheir anxiety by their luxly language.. Sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort-有些人的焦虑请绪会通 过身体语言表现出来G上嘴曆出汗、强装笑容以及神经质的手部动作等都是忐忑不安 的表现'、


  例;Government are usually considered to be a safe investment. —般人认 为政府 债砍是安全的投资。


  例:We will pay everyone an extra tronus al Christmas.公司将在圣诞节给每人发一笔 额外的奖金。

  bonus point消费(奖励)积分

  例;These bonus points add up tc free air miles or cash discounts,这些消费奖励积分可 以加起来换取免费空中飞行里程或现金折扣c

  bonus share纟匚利股

  例:Free shfires given to long-term shareholders arc called bonus share .免费配送给* 期 股东的股票被称为红利股C

  book-entry security记账式证券(由财政部或政府机构发行的证券,无须进行实物票 据的转移,避免了遗失和被窃的可能性,而且还降低了处理成本)

  book for visitors'suggestions 顾客留言本

  例: The hotel has a book for visitors * suggestions about service improvement.这家宾馆 备有旅客意见簿,让旅客对改进服务提建议°

  booking manager订房(票)部经理

  book launch图书发行会

  恻:There will be a b()ok launch next Sunday.下周日将举行一个图书发行会

  book value账面价值(反映在账簿上的资产价值)

  例: The old pholocopier is still useful, although its book value is almost nothing.这台旧 复印机的账面价值已近乎零,但实际上仍然有用。

  boring and repetitive 单调重复的

  例:In general, the computer serves best in doing all the jobs which are boring and repetitive ・such as producing invoices and statements.总的来说,电脑最适合用来处理单调 重复的工作,例如开具发票、结算单等°

  bottom-end of the market低端市场(低价位、大众化的市场)

  例: A large computer hardware retailer positioned itself at the botiom-end of the market by undercutting all its mm pet i Tors. 一家大型计算机硬件零售商将自己定位于低端市 场,以低于所有竞争者的价格呂舊商品。

  bottom line账本底线,盈亏一览结算线

  例 j : You run millions of dollars through ail that and you come out with nothing on the boMom line .你在那上面投资几百万元,可结果一无所获。

  例 2: We never lose sight of the bottom line.我们向来重视公司盈亏c

  bounce (电子邮件)弹回,退回

  bounce message (电子邮递器给发信人的)退信通知

  bounced cheque拒付支票(因开票人账上存款不够被拒付退回的支票)

  例:Cha地謨 can be very high for bounced cheque, and administration fees are charged each time the debt increases -对于拒付支票,银行费用可能极高.另外债务每增加一 次,管理费也随着逐次收取。

  boundary less marketing 无界营销

  例: The notion of Ixmndaryless marketing was first used by Jack Welch, chairperson and CEO of General Electric.无界营销这.一概念是由美国通用电气公司的主席和首席执行 官杰克•维尔奇首次使用的。


  例:Shares al China's two fx)urse.s fell nearly 10 percent, although a few so-called WTO plays, such as Tianjin Pon, still held retail interest.中国两大证券交易市场股票下跌近 一成,但一些嗦“天津港”之类的“世贸股”仍受股民青睐口

  box file文件盒

  例:The invoice is in the box file marked ' invoice' .那张发票在标明“发票”的文件盒 里。

  brainstorming集思广益(法),头脑风暴(法),脑力震荡(法)(通过众人一起讨 论,献计献策,共同解决某一问题)

  例:Brainstorming can produce a lot of ideas very quickly.通过大家自由讨论,献计献 策,可以迅速收集多种意见。

  brainstorming session献计献策会,思维碰撞会,集体讨论会

  例 1: We're holding a brainstorming session on our new product next Tuesday. 下周二 召开集練献计献策会.研究我们的新产品。

  例 2: A braimtorming session botween the managing director, the marketing director and their accountant produced a new name far the company. 在一次由 总 经理、 营销主管 及公司会计邮参加的三人集体讨论会上,公司有了祈名称。

  branch office 分公司

  例; A decision must be made about whether the branch office is to hold stock or not.必 须作出决策是否让分公司持有股份o

  branch out拓展业务

  例;They are rapidly branching out to legations around the world.他们正在世:界各地迅 速拓展业务。

  brand consultants品牌咨询公司,品牌顾问公司

  例: A Tecent survey of 1 000 people by brand consultants Cook & Pearson concludes rhat shoppers will continue io buy a wider range of goods and services froi'ii supcTnmrkcls. 胶近 由库克•皮尔森品牌顾问公司著手进行的一次千人调查得出结论:购物者将遂续在超 市购买各类商品及服务C

  brand enhancing 品牌提升

  例: One company says that its on-h(4d marketing programme, combining messages with brand enhancing' music, reduces hang-ups by 50 per cent and increases sales by up I。

  20 per cent.据一家公云说,该公司的利用候话时间营销计划把产品宣传信息和“提 升品牌”的音乐结合起来•使挂断电话的人数减少了 50%,销售颖增加了 20%c

  brand extension 品牌延伸,亦作 brandsirctching



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