

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2014年商务英语考试中级口语对话13


来源:考试网   2014-02-24【

  Ⅰ Tongue Twister

  1. Good cookies could be cooked by good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.

  2. If you understand, say understand.

  If you don't understand, say don't understand.

  If you understand say you don't understand.

  How can I understand you understand.


  3. Peter Pipe picked a peck of pickled peppers prepared by his parents and put them on a large paper plate.

  Ⅱ Conversation

  Possible Topics & Questions

  Suggested Answers and Note


  How did you come here today?

  How did you travel to the test?

  Did you come here by bus?

  If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?)

  Which form of transport would you like to travel by?

  How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years' time?

  How do you think you will travel to work 15 years from now?

  2 Bus / taxi / cab / private car / subway /

  Tube underground / tram

  time / safety / money

  2 light way / subway / airport

  2 It would be fast developing in 15 years time and will cover everywhere in Beijing . It will be really convenient.


  What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on holiday?

  Do you stay in a hotel or an apartment you are on holiday?

  What kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?)

  Do you think companies should pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)

  Should people stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)

  2 hotel/motel/villa/apartment/flat(BrE)/dorm

  2 city breaks, beach holidays

  sun-tanned / fast-tanned center

  2 camping camp or tent

  2 Hitchhiking, hitchhiker (take a gap year)

  2 Domestic travel

  2 Sight seeing

  2 Hi-tech, Local Area Net, internet, database system, fax

  2 Well equipped conference room,


  multi-function hall

  video-conferencing, tele-conferencing

  2 It depends (on the different circumstances).

  If you fix a deal which is worth $1000000, in that case, your company will pay for you to live…

  If you go there for only $2, it's impossible.

  Possible Topics & Questions

  Suggested Answers and Note

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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