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来源:考试网   2014-02-24【

  Business Dialogue

  1) Negotiating a Job Offer

  Employer: would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year?

  Ms. Wilson: What kind of benefits are talking about?

  Employer: Our standard package includes health insurance, two weeks vacation and a company car.

  Ms. Wilson: Are these things negotiable?

  Employer: Uh…not normally. What do you have in mind ?

  Ms. Wilson: Vacation time is important to me. I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days.

  Employer: What an interesting idea, Ms. Wilson. Would you also be willing to accept a cut in initial salary?

  Ms. Wilson: possibly. What do you have in mind ?

  2) Employee Pay Raise

  Boss: You have done an excellent job this year and we are pleased with the results.

  Employee: I am glad that you have been happy with my performance.

  Boss: As a result of your performance, we happy to offer you the position of manager.

  Employee: Does this title come with an increase in salary?

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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