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来源:考试网   2013-04-01【

You will hear five different people talking about changing their jobs.

For each extract there are two tasks. Look at Task One. For each question 13-17, choose the reason for changing jobs, from the list A-H. Now look at Task Two. For each question 18-22, choose the problem area in the new workplace, from the list A-H.

After you have listened once, replay the recording

You now have thirty seconds to read the two lists.


Now listen, and do the two tasks.


Man:        I’d been feeling for some time that a move was overdue, and I suppose it was just the fact that I thought I’d miss the friendliness of the place that held me back. But in the end I realised that I could spend my life there and not move up the ladder - you could see how the roles with responsibility were filled by people who weren’t themselves about to move on. I’m glad overall - I can see my role will continue to develop here, and I’ve had no second thoughts - the only drawback is that it is a bit chaotic here. So even though I’d say I was pretty effective at meeting deadlines, there are others who aren’t, and their inability to sort out each day’s tasks can create bottlenecks that cause frustrations.

Woman:   I was getting tired of the sense of doing the same thing over and over again and decided it was time to ring the changes. I’m pleased I did, because I’ve got a greater range of responsibilities now, and it means my skills and abilities are put to better use. It is a smaller outfit, of course, and the MD does rather keep himself to himself, but, generally, I like the independence that leaves me, particularly with such high-quality support staff. On the other hand, something that should be addressed here is the issue of assessment - the system here isn’t actually very relevant to what people actually do, so sometimes you’re judged on the wrong issues.

Man:       I’d been looking around for some time, but it wasn’t until I went to see a recruitment onsultant that I began to focus my aims. I suppose it’s not surprising - I was doing so many different things that it was actually quite hard to work out what the core of the job was - but it was certainly at some distance from what I’d spent so long studying, and the consultant helped me to realise my dissatisfaction came from under-using that background. So I do feel a lot more focused here. One drawback, I guess, is the failure to make the most of all the IT, so that, for example, I end up sitting here emailing away to colleagues who can’t even be bothered to reply o- react.

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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