

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2013年商务英语考试BEC中级听力:电话


来源:考试网   2013-02-19【





  Dialogue 1

  A:Hello,thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking,How may I help you?

  B:Hello.I would like to speak to your director of human resources,Ms.Jenkins,Please.

  A:Just a moment.I'll check to see if she is at her desk.May I tell her who is calling?

  B:This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance,I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday.

  A:Thank you,Mr.Burton.Can you please hold for a moment?I'll check to see if she is available.

  B:No problem.

  A:I'm sorry,Ms.Jenkins is away from her desk.She has already left for lunch.

  Would you like to leave a message for her?

  B:Yes,please have her return my call when she returns to the office.It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today;she can reach me at my office number,635-8799.

  A:I'm sorry,I didn't quite catch that,could you please repeat the number?

  B:No problem,my office number is 635-8799,Tell her to ask for extension 31.

  A:I'm sorry,Mr.Burton,just to confirm,your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N,is that correct?

  B:Yes,and I represent Milford Insurance.

  A:I wil make sure Ms.Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3pm this afernoon.

  B:Thank you very much.

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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