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来源:考试网   2013-10-21【

  memo=memorandum [ 5memEu] (n.) a written record or communication, as in a business office 备忘录

  [例] a memorandum about the meeting

  merchandise [ 5mE:tFEndaiz ] (n.) products货物

  [例] We cannot offer you this merchandise right now but expect to be able to do so next week.

  [同义词] goods, commodities

  merchandising [ 5mE:tFEndaiziN ] (n.) managing the display and promotion of goods in shops销售管理

  merge [ mE:dV ] (v.) join together兼并

  [例] The company merged with another European company.

  [同义词] join, unite, converge, combine

  merger [ 5mE:dVE ] (n.) act/result of joining companies together兼并

  [同义词] amalgamation, combination, incorporation

  merit [ 5merit ]1. (n.) quality of deserving reward优点

  [例] The soap has a special curing merit.

  [同义词] worthiness, excellence, virtue

  2. (v.) deserve值得

  [同义词] deserve, be worthy of, be entitled to

  method study (n.) examination of the way something is done to try to find a more efficient or cheaper way the term is widely used to describe engineering efforts to improve productivity, decrease costs, and increase worker satisfaction with the job方法优化研究

  mill (n) factory processing materials for finished goods加工厂

  [例] a textile mill

  middleman [5mId(E)lmAn] (n.) person or company that acts as an intermediate step between manufacturer and customer中间商

  [例] A wholesaler is a middleman.

  [同义词] agent, broker, dealer, factor

  minimize [5mInImaIz] (v.) make something as small as possible最小化

  [例] to minimize risk

  minutes (n) an official record of the proceedings at a meeting 会议记录

  [例] The secretary took the minutes of the meeting.

  MIS (management information system)管理信息系统

  [例] MIS is now applied widely in cooperation management in China.

  mission [ 5miFEn ] (n.) long-term objectives and philosophy of a company使命

  [例] mission statement

  [同义词] duty, task, assignment

  model [ 5mCdl ] (n.) a style or design of an item型号,式样

  [例] Look at our latest models.

  monopoly [ mE5nCpEli ] (n.) market situation where one company is the only supplier of a product or service垄断

  [例] The famous multi-national company was sued for its monopoly selling policy.

  [同义词] control, domination, exclusiveness

  moratorium [ 7mCrE5tC:riEm ] (n) an authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments 延期偿还

  [例] We will seek a moratorium if our financial situation can’t be ameliorated.

  mortgage [ 5mC:^idV ]1. (n.) contract for loan to buy a property using the property as security抵押

  2. (v.) obtain a loan with a property as security抵押

  [例] The house is mortgaged.

  motivate [ 5mEutiveit ] (v.) give someone a reason or incentive for doing something激励

  [同义词] prompt, impel, stimulate

  motivated [ 5mEutiveitid ] (adj.) encouraged被激励的

  [例] They are motivated to work hard for high salary.

  motivation [ 7mEuti5veiFEn ] (n.) state of being motivated激励

  [例] For motivation to take place, workers must believe that effort on their part will lead to rewards.

  motive [ 5mEutiv ] (n.) reason动机

  [例] To minimize the loss of this project is the motive for the company’s layoff action.

  [同义词] reason, cause, motivation

  multinational (n) a company or corporation operating in more than two countries 跨国公司

  [同义词] This multinational will branch out into South American.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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