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来源:考试网   2013-10-21【

  market leader dominant company in the market市场领导者

  market niche A focused, targetable part of a market

  marketing mix (n.) combination of different marketing elements such as price, promotion, product, etc.销售组合

  market penetration (n.) amount a product sells in a market畅销度

  market segmentation (n.) division of the market into consumer groups市场分割

  market share`(n.) percentage of a total market which one company or product holds市场占有率

  up market (adj & adv.) luxury end of the market高端市场的

  down market (adj & adv) cheep end of the market低端市场的

  master production schedule (n.) document which shows what a company expects to manufacture生产计划表[例] You can find out what this company expects to manufacture in its master production schedule.

  material requirements planning (MRP) (n.) technique to calculate the materials which will be needed材料需求计划

  synthetic materials (n) man-made materials 人工合成材料

  [例] It hope to be making 200 million of its synthetic corks a year by the end of the decade.

  materials handling (n.) efficient movement of materials from one part of the factory to another材料运转管理[例] This enterprise has an efficient material handling ability.

  maternity leave (n) time off work allowed by law to a woman for her birth-giving 产假

  [例] She is now on her maternity leave and will be back in office next month.

  matrix management (n.) management system under which a manager has to report to two bosses in different parts of the organization距阵管理系统

  [例] Nowadays matrix management is very popular among companies.

  mature (v) due for payment到期

  [例] The insurance policy matures on the 3rd, March.

  [同义词]expire , due

  maximize [ 5mAksmaiz ] (v.) make as large as possible最大化

  [例] Each businessman wants to maximize his profits.

  MB ( megabyte= 1,048,576 bytes) 兆字节

  [例] Join Yahoo membership now! You will get a 6 MB free mailbox immediately.

  MBO(=management by objectives) (n.) system of management based on planning work to be carried out and then checking to see that the work has been completed correctly and on time目标管理系统

  measure [ 5meVE ] (n.) action, step措施

  [例] We are going to take measures to reduce costs.

  media [ 5mi:djE ] (n.) means of communicating a message媒体

  [例] A successful advertiser can choose the most suitable way and make full use of the media.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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