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来源:考试网   2013-10-19【

  magazine [ 7mA^E5zi:n ] (n.) regular news or special interest publication often printed on glossy paper with many photographs杂志

  mailshot (n.) direct mailing related to a particular product or service邮寄广告

  [例] The mailshot really interests those well-off families.

  maintain [ men5tein ] (v.) keep going维持

  [例] We must maintain our market share.

  [同义词] keep up, retain, conserve

  maintenance [ 5meintinEns ] (n.) keeping things working维持

  [例] The after-sales team work on maintenance of the products.

  [同义词] conservation, preservation, upkeep

  major [ 5meidVE ] (adj.) important, bigger, biggest主要的

  [例] The major shareholder has 35% of the shares.

  [同义词] chief, main, supreme

  majority shareholding more than 50% of the shares主要股权,大股东

  make [ meik ] (n.) brand or type of product品牌

  [例] a famous make of shirt.

  [同义词] brand, model

  manage [ 5mAnidV ] (v.) control and be in charge of管理

  [例] to manage a sales office

  [同义词] administer, direct, run

  management [ 5mAnidVmEnt ] (n.) 1. controlling and running a business or part of a business管理

  [例] management by objectives

  2. group of people who control an organization管理层

  [同义词] executive, board, directors

  managerial [ 7mAnE5dViEriEl ] (adj.) of, relating to, or characteristic of a manager or management管理的

  [例] managerial roles

  mark down (v) to reduce the price of goods to encourage sales 减价

  [例] In the promotion campaign , the hyper-market was marking down all the prices of the goods.

  mass media (n) ways of spreading news and information to the greatest number of people , eg by television, radio or newspapers 大众传媒

  [例] She got full financial aid to study in UBC , majoring in Mass Media.

  mass production (n.) the manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques 大批量生产

  [例] Mass production reduces unit cost substantially, reflecting the advantage of economy of scale.

  master (n) an original, especially an original audio recording, from which copies can be made 原版,母带

  [例] This is the master, and keep it for future reference.

  middle management (n.) department managers中层管理者

  senior management (n.) top managers高级经理

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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