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来源:考试网   2013-10-18【

  licence [ 5laisEns ] (n.) [US license] official document which gives permission执照

  [例] You need an import licence.

  [同义词] certificate, warrant, permit

  license [5laIsEns] (v.) [US licence] give permission许可

  licensee [laIsEn5si:] (n.) person who is given permission获许可的人

  licensor (n.) person who gives permission许可人

  life cycle (n.) concept of showing the different stages in a product’s life产品生命周期

  [例] Usually, the mature stage is the most important in the life cycle of a product.

  line [ lain ] (n.) 1. merchandise or services of a similar or related nature系列产品

  [例] a complete line of small tools

  [同义词] series, sequence

  2.An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水生产线

  [例] production line

  line process (n.) assembly-line process, production process where the work passes from one worker to the next, usually along a moving belt, until it is finished流水线加工

  [例] You should at times mention the workers to see to the line process.

  line worker (n.) worker on an assembly-line流水线工人

  [例] How many line workers do you have altogether?

  liquid [ 5likwid ] (adj.) easy to realize易兑现的

  [例] Liquid assets

  liquidity [ li5kwiditi ] (n.) having assets which can be converted into cash资产折现力

  [例] Liquidity is an index to measure the extent one kind of asset moves into new investment opportunities.

  liquidate [ 5likwideit ] (v.) close a company and sell its assets清算

  liquidation [ 7likwi5deiFEn ] (n.) process of closing a company清算

  [例] The business went into liquidation.

  liquidator [ 5likwideitE ] (n.) person who supervises the liquidation of a company清算人

  listed [`lIstId] (adj.) registered列出的,上市的

  [例] Shares can be bought in listed companies.

  listed company (n) a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange 上市公司

  [例] That firm is among the listed companies.

  listing [ 5listiN ] (n.) official list of companies whose shares can be bought or sold on the Stock Exchange列表

  literature [ 5litEritFE ] (n.) written information(广告)印刷品

  [例] Please find enclosed literature about the product.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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