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来源:考试网   2013-10-18【

  leasehold [ 5li:shEuld ] (n.) property held by lease通过租契获得的财产

  leaver [`li:vE(r)] (n.) person who leaves a company’s employment离职者

  [例] Our main problem is the large number of leavers this year.

  ledger [ 5ledVE ] (n.) book in which accounts are written分类帐

  [例] Please check the ledger again, and the boss will see it tomorrow.

  nominal ledger (n.) record of a company’s income and expenditure by named accounts, departments名目帐项总帐

  purchase ledger (n.) record of expenditure进货分类帐

  sales ledger (n.) record of sales销货帐

  legal [ 5li:^El ] (adj.) made according to the law合法的

  [例] Smuggling is not legal.

  [同义词] legitimate, licit, lawful

  legislation [ 7ledVis5leiFEn ] (n.) law法规

  [例] All the citizens have to comply with the legislation.

  leisure industry sectors providing entertainment service娱乐产业

  lender [ 5lendE ] (n.) person who lend money贷方

  lessee [ le5si: ] (n.) person who pays for a lease承租人

  [例] For the lessee, a lease agreement permits repaid replacement of obsolete equipment.

  [同义词] tenant

  lessor [ le5sC: ] (n.) person who receives money for a lease出租人

  [例] The lessor and the lessee hereby agree to enter into this contract under the following terms and conditions.

  [同义词] landlord, landlady

  let (v) to allow someone to use a house, a room, an office, etc in return for payment of rent 出租

  [例] In order to reduce our overhead, we will let parts of our office space in the city center.

  [同义词] lease, rent

  letterhead [5letEhed] (n.) name and address of a company printed on correspondence paper信头

  [例] You can write back to me referring to the letterhead.

  leverage [ 5li:vEridV ] (n.) also financial leverage the degree to which an investor or business is utilizing borrowed money财务杠杆

  [例] Companies that are highly leveraged may be at risk of bankruptcy if they are unable to make payments on their debt; they may also be unable to find new lenders in the future.

  liability [ 7laiE5biliti ] (n.) legal obligation责任

  [例] Our liability is limited.

  [同义词] responsibility, duty

  liabilities (n. pl) debts of a business负债

  [例] The company cannot afford such large liabilities.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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