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来源:考试网   2013-02-20【




  Busines Correspondance
  Dialogue one.
  A:Did you see the letter I got from Bradform films? They sent the responds to your phone call last week.
  B:If you want to see something about my call last week, why didn't they sent it to me?
  A:I guess it must have contact information, so they sent it addressed in care of your department head, anyhow,they wrote to confirm in reading what you discussed about milton contract.
  B:Can I see it first in seconds?
  A:Sure, here it is.
  B:Dear Mr.Clock, bother to your telephone call last Friday, I'm reading to confirm our meeting on July 21st,as we discussed, our meeting is to review the contract details.
  A:Did they ask you to sent the files beforehand?
  B:Let's see, We'll be grateful for the complete to send related materials to our office prior to our meeting. It looks like... Hey! Was there anything else was send along with this letter?
  A: I don't think so, why do you ask?
  B: The letter writes: please find the enclosed copy of our agenda for your review, I don't see anything else in the envelope.
  A: Maybe they forgot to attach it to the letter. You should give them another call.
责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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