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来源:考试网   2020-06-08【

  Labor relations劳动关系

  Better Listening


  Mardy Grothe, PhD

  No matter how many people work for you or whether you like or dislike them, how well you communicate with your coworkers plays a huge role in the success of your business.


  Good communication requires good listening. The common mistakes employers make with listening include:


  Not doing it at all. One of my favorite sayings about listening is:” people don’t care how much bosses know until they know how much bosses care.”


  When you don’t listen to your people- by putting them off until later or by listening without hearing what they’re saying- you send a message that you don’t really care about them.


  Next thing you know, they don’t care about you or your business…or what you have to say, either.


  Talking first, listening second. Listening is an unnatural act.


  When you have a problem with an employee, your first inclination is to take him/her aside, explain how you feel and give instructions on how to solve the problem.


  An employee who is approached that way is likely to feel singled out and therefore may become defensive and resistant to your demands.


  So it’s better to approach with a question that starts a dialogue, like:” How’s the job going?... What’s going well, and what’s not going well? ”


  This invites the employee to share his perceptions and concerns about the job.


  It also provides a natural lead-in for your observations and suggestions for improvement.


  Automatically assuming you have heard correctly.


  No matter who’s talking or who’s talking or who’s listening, the message sent isn’t necessarily the message received.


  To avoid misunderstanding, listen carefully as your employee speaks.


  Then, give what I call a “read-back”---a simple verbal summary of what you think the other person has said to you.


  This helps you improve your listening skills- and assures employees that you care about what they have to say.


  Doing too many things at once.


  Trying to listen to someone while you’re checking your E-mail or reviewing your daily to-do list makes the person you’re speaking to feel unimportant.


  And when people feel you’re not paying attention to what they’re saying, they spend four times as long saying it.


  So it’s better to make an appointment with an employee who needs to speak with you, and agree—ahead of time—on a start time end time for your meeting a coworker, too.


  PART ONE: Interview

  (1) What do you think can help improve the relationship between employers and employees?(Why?/Why not?)


  There are many contributable measures, such as honoring employee rights, providing a safe workplace, avoiding wrongful discharge, offering a sound benefits program, providing chances for training and career development, getting employees involved in company decisions, and respecting employees, etc.

  (2) Would you like to join Union?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes, definitely. The Union can help employees to achieve results they cannot achieve when acting individually. When negotiating with employers, collective bargaining can be more powerful and effective in improving their economic needs, organization’s managerial practices and in fulfilling social and status needs.

  (3) Do you think that employers should monitor the conduct of employees through surveillance techniques during work hours?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes, it is a trend and is now common in restaurants, hotels and airports. Through surveillance techniques, employees can be disciplined or stopped for the inappropriate use of company times, thus improving work efficiency and productivity. Besides it can also ensure the safety of employees.

  (4) Do you like your employer to contact you after work hours?(Why?/Why not?)


  It depends on the situation and frequency. In case of emergency and urgency, I don’t mind if my employer contacts me after work hours. Anybody should be ready to help those in need, if possible. But if my employer keeps bothering me, I can’t stand it.



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