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来源:考试网   2015-09-30【

  【商务英语情景会话】中级——下订单Placing an Order ①


  A: Our toner cartridges are already out of ink...Could you ___①___ for a new set?

  A: 我们的墨盒已经没墨了…你能订套新的吗?

  B: We will need new cartridges for all of the officeprinters? That will be a large order, probably about 2or 3 cases. The office supply store we usually____②____ might not have that many in stock.

  B: 我们办公室所有的打印机都需要新墨盒吗?那可是份不小的订单,很可能需要两三箱。我们通常去的办公用品商店可能不会有那么多存货。

  A: You can ____③____ with the housekeeping department, but I am pretty sure all of themachines will need new cartridges. Last time when we made our order to the supplier, thequantity was also especially high. They're used to receiving such bulk orders from us. As longas we give them a heads up a couple days in advance, they can usually fill the order.

  A: 你可以和总务部门仔细检查一下,但是我非常确定我们所有的机器都要换新墨盒了。上次我们向供应商订购时,数量也是相当大的。他们已经习惯接受我们这么大的订单了。只要我们提前一天通知他们,他们通常能供应订货的。

  B: Okay, I'll make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure. Is thereanything else we need to order while I'm at it?

  B: 好的,我去打几个电话,先让总务部门核实一下,再续订单。还有什么东西需要我们一起下订单的?

  A: I think the only thing is toner. Try to see if they can deliver it before the end of businessday tomorrow. We should really try to do better about waiting until the last minute to fillorders that are usually made on a monthly basis. Anyhow, ______④______ to expedite theorder this time.

  A: 我想只需要墨盒。去确认一下他们能否在明天下班之前送来。我们每个月都要填的订单最好不要等到最后一刻才做。无论如何,你这次一定要努力解决好这个问题。

  B: Okay, will do.

  B: 好的,我会做好的。


  1. set 套

  2. case 箱子

  3. especially 尤其

  4. couple 几个,两三个

  5. deliver 递送

  6. expedite 加速……的进程,促进


  1. toner cartridge:墨盒

  2. office supply:办公用品供应

  3. bulk order:大订单

  4. in stock:库存

  5. housekeeping department:总务部门

  6. business day:营业日

  7. run(sth.)by:由……负责/管理

  8. while sb.'s at it:某人办这件事时


  1. make an order 预定

  2. go through (生意)成交

  3. double check 仔细检查

  4. see what you can do (see what sb. can do:努力解决)

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