1. abandon rate 挂断率(衡量客户服务质量的指标之一,计算方式为:拨入客户服务中心的电话总数中客户因等候时间过长而挂断的电话数目占总数的百分比)
例句:By choosing the right on-hold music , the company has reduced abandon rate by 50%.
2. absolute interest 绝对产权,绝对权益
例句:The company has an absolute interest in the building.
该公司对这幢大厦拥有绝对产权。 考试网
3. academic smarts 学术方面的才能
例句:It’s not the usual way of thinking about it—academic smarts—IQ.
4. accelerated learning 速成学习
例句:Accelerated learning shows that language learning can be fast, effective and enjoyable.
5. access fee 使用费
例句:They have cut the access fee long-distance providers pay to local phone companies.