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来源:考试网   2016-09-19【

  我们如果不了解你们对付款方式的意见,便不能进一步检讨。 We cannot proceed any further without receiving your thoughts with respect to the manner of payment.

  事实上,我关心的是贵公司对我们产品市场的考量。 Actually, my interest was directed more towards what particular markets you foresee for our product.

  我们需要与贵公司技术相关更专门的资讯。 We really need more specific information about your technology.

  这个计划必须尽速进行。一个月的时间应该够了吧? Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isnt it?

  我会试试看,但是不敢保证。 I will try, but no promises.

  我没听清楚你们的问题,你能重复一次吗? I could not catch your question. Could you repeat it, please?

  不客气。 You are welcome.

  以下的答案必须再经过正式确认才有效。 The following answer is subject to official confirmation.

  我可以提示一个想法。 Let me give you an indication.

  请记得这不是最后的回答。 Please remember this is not to be taken as final.

  让我们假设一个我们不同意的状况。 Let us imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.

  为了讨论各种情形,让我们假设我方不同意时的处理方法。 Just for arguments sake, suppose wedisagree.

  没有相关的出版资料。 There is no such published information.

  这样的资料为机密资料。 Such data is confidential.

  我不确定是否有这样的资料存在。 I am not sure such data does exist.

  这要看列表内容。 It would depend on what is on the list.

  我们急需这些资料。 We need them urgently.

  好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。 All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as weacquire it.

  我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.

  如果他有什幺意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 If he wants to make any changes,minoralternations can be made then.

责编:ZCF 评论 纠错


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