wage packet 工资袋
例:You can pick up your ivage packet on Friday afternoon .周五下午可以拿到你的工 资袋。
wages clerk工资管理员,工资文员
例: The employees who are responsible for preparing check, pay packets and payslips are the wages clerks .负责准备支票,工资袋和工资条的职员被称作工资管理员°
walk-in guest未经预订的客人
wall planner计划挂表(一种挂在墙上,用来安排计划工作的图表)
warehouse retailer仓库零售店,指设在房租低的仓库里出售食品、家具等商品的零 侥店。它的服务项目少,商品价格较为便宜,靠薄利多销赚取利润
warehouse store仓储式商店,也称为box store (盒式商店)。这种商店直接从厂家 或加T商处进货,商品不按件包装起来,而是陈列在置于地上的开口货箱里
例: The package includes four types of software, five product manuals, a self-help guide and free on-site ivarranty .附带的电脑包包括四种软侣,五本产品说明书,一本用户 安装指南及免费上门保修单。
wash sale虚售.虚抛,虚假交易(非法以高价出售商品以制造需求殷切的假象) 例;The market was artificially inflated by a isxtsh sale .市场价格由于虚售而被人为地 抬高。
waste management废物管理利用
例: The company has recently drawn up a formal zvaste msutgemerU policy. 诙公司最近 正式制定了一项废物管理利用政策。
water heater 热水器
例:We sell three kinds of water heaters .我们出售三种型号的热水器c
watermark水印(一种防伪技术,常常用于钞票、邮票等有价宗证的印刷技术) 例:It is ako the first lime since 1967 that stamps have been printed on ^ujatemurked paper. 这也是自1967年以来首次采用水印的方式印制邮票c
water trade休闲餐饮业,指日本兴起的一种招揽社交界人七的餐饮业(cafe.society business)
weather working days晴天工作H (天气良好使工作得以进行的H子)
例:Building work was held up by the lack of uueather -aorking days .由于缺少晴天工作 日,建筑工程陷于停顿。
Web-based distance learning 网络远程教育
例; Last year, around 15 per cent of our in-service staff development was carried out through Web-lxised distance learning using the company intranet.去年,大约 15% 的在 职员工发展是通过利用公司内部网开展网络远程教育进行的。
Web-based technology 网络技术
例;This is enc of the UK's leading consultancies on the commercial exploitation of Webbased techndogy.这是英国首屈一指的咨询公司之一,专门提供如何利用网络技术从 事商业活动的咨询服务C
例: Morcrosoft is busily diversifying into cable and mobile telecommunications as well as WebTV ,微软公司正忙著扩大经菅范围,从事有线电视、移动通讯和网络视频业务。
weekday overtime 工作日加班
例: Weekday overtime is paid at a standard hourly rate, which increases to double-time at weekends.工作E加班按标准小时计算.周末加倍。
weighted average cost 加权平均成本
例:Under the u^ghied wuerage cost, the average unit cost of beginnir^ inventory and purchases is computed-初始存货和购置货物两者的平均单位成本按加权平均成本法计 农
while you wait立等可取
例:1 he proportion of or^anizaiions with formal policies to protect employees who report ethica] or legal violations ( whistle-blowers) was 38% , an increase on the 22% reported in our 1997 survey,制定正式方针、对举报不道德或违规行为的员工(内部举报人)实 行保护的公司占调查总数的38%,比1997年22%的调査结果有所增加°
例 1: White-collar workers work in lhe office-白领员工在办公室上班 q
例 2: Marketing is one of the most stressful zvhite-collar jobs.管销是散具压力的脑力 劳动工作种类之一。
white goods白色商品,(大型)家用电器(如电冰箱、洗衣机等,因用漆成白色的 金属制成而得名)
例;He works for a white goods dealer.他为家电商工作°
wholesale price 批发价
例: The wholesale price is the price paid by consumers who buy many examples of the same product,批发价指的是大量购买同一商品的消费者支付的价格。
例:A retailer buys his stock from a wholesaler .零售商从批发商处购买货物。
window-dressing 1橱窗布置.装饰门面
例 1: The company was busy wiih w/ndtnv-dressing operations at the year-end.该公司 正忙于年终“装饰门面"的业务活动。
例 2x Ckxxi windoiU'dressing has a definite effect on sales・出色的橱窗布置对促销肯定 产生作用
window-dressing 2粉饰账目(使公司业绩显得岀色)
例:Windinv-dressing is an unfair way of attracting customers.粉饰账目不是吸引客户 的公正方法。
win-win situation 双贏局面
例 1: To negotiate effectively, first of all, you should try to make it a win-z^n situation . <取得谈判成效,首先要努力创造双赢局面c
例 2 : Working from home is a -win-^in situatum because it increases efficiency and cuts the time it takes travelling to the office-在京工作既能提高效率,乂能节省花在上班路上的时间,对个人、公司都好
win-win strategy 双贏战略
例:The mei^cr of these two companies is not a conglomeration of the weaker into the stronger, but a willing marriage of lhe two giants in the IT industry and a line model of pursuing a strategy ,这两家的合并不是弱者为强者所兼并,而是信息技术产
within walking distance 步行即至
例:In their free time, delegates can enjoy the sights of Prague, many of which are ivithin -walking distance .在会议之余.代表们可以欣赏布拉格的美景,其中许多景点步行 即可到达。
word-of-mouth advertising I」头广告(通过顾客口头传播有关产品的资料)
例:It will be a very low key campaign. We shall rely on wt-rd-of-mouth adefer^sin^.这 将是低调的推销。我们依靠顾客口头宣传产品°
word-processing 文字处理
例:A iix)rd-processing facility on a computer allows office staff to quickly produce letters. 电脑上的文字处理设置使亦公室职员得以快速写作信件。
word processor文字处理机,简称WP
例:Most of cur office typing is now done on a word processor .现在我们办公室大部分 打字工作都用文字处理机进行,
workbook (教科书的)练习册,(课程的)教学参考手册
例:This is a 3-volume video sei plus a zw厂奶or/ ,这套录像带一共三盒,外加教学参考 手册"
worker participation 职工参与管理
例: The company has a good reputation for worker /^artici/nation . 这家公司在职工参与 管理方面享有很好的声誉。
workforce 1员工总数
例:The size of the ux)rkforce will be increased by 10% .员工总数将增长 10%°
workforce 2 劳动力,劳动人门,劳动大军
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师