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考试网  [ 2017年1月23日 ] 【

  1. Inventory公式:

  l Re‐order level = maximum demand x maximum lead time

  l Min. stock level = re‐order level –(average demand x average lead time)

  l Max. stock level = re‐order level + re‐order quantity – (min. demand x min. time)

  l Average inventory =safety inventory + 1/2 reorder quantity

  2. 劳动成本评估:

  3. OVERHEAD制造成本分摊

  • repeated distribution (or reciprocal) method , include algebraic method (设X,Y)

  • direct method (不考虑X,Y对彼此的分摊)

  • step-down method(仅考虑X或Y对彼此的分摊)

  AC = MC + (Closing Inventory – Opening Inventory) x OAR

  4. Index

  5. Process Costing – 必须会用FIFO & Weight Average解题,计算WIP或者OUTPUT

  6. ABC – 要知道它和AB的区别。

  7. Life Cycle Costing:

  l Introduction: Few competitors + High promotion cost + Basic quality

  l Growth: New competitors + New distribution outlets being found + Product quality improvement made + Customer feedback received

  l Maturity: Most competitive + Product Upgrade

  l Decline: Exit strategy to be identified

  8. 相关和不相关成本:

  l Relevant costs: future + incremental 是决定人可以影响的成本

  主要有:Avoidable costs, Differential costs and Opportunity costs

  l Non-relevant costs: 与做决定无关的成本.

  主要有:Sunk costs, Committed costs, and Nominal (imputed) costs

  9. 相关系数和决定系数:

  Correlation coefficient (r) & Coefficient of determination (r2)

  10. 项目评估

  NPV 和 IRR的优缺点:

  11. 差异

  12. 差异调节

  13. 战略战术

  14. 比率

  l Profitability Ratios 盈利能力

  ² Gross Profit Margin: x 100%

  ² Operating Profit Percentage: x 100%

  ² Return on Capital: x 100%

  ² Employed Return on Equity: x 100%

  l Liquidity Ratios:

  ² Current Ratio: = X:1, 该数值﹥1比较好

  ² Quick Ratio (Acid Ratio) : = X:1

  l Efficiency Ratios:

  ² Inventory turnover period: x 365 days

  ² Payables/ Receivables payment period: x 365 days

  ² Working capital cycle: Inventory days + Receivable days – Payable days

  ² Asset Turnover: = X times

  l Position Ratios:

  ² Interest cover: = X times

  ² Gearing: = X times

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