Question:Which of the following is a disadvantage of a large panel or selection board interview compared to individual or one-to-one interviews?
A. Specialists can ask a questions about technical areas of the work
B. Questions tend to be more varied and more random
C. A number of people see the candidate at one sitting
D. There is less opportunity for personal rapport with the candidate
The correct answer is: B
Rationale: This is a disadvantage because there may not be a clear interview strategy, and candidates may have trouble switching from one topic to another.
'A number of people see the candidate at one sitting' is an advantage, because it reduces individual bias, and saves time in sharing assessments (eg compared to a series of one-to-one interviews).
'Specialists can ask a questions about technical areas of the work' is an advantage, because a single interviewer may not be able to spot candidate weaknesses in technical areas.
'There is less opportunity for personal rapport with the candidate' is an advantage, because personal rapport may lead to favourable bias on the part of an interviewer.
Question:Which of the following writers is NOT a member of the school of management thought to which the others belong?
A. FW Taylor
B. Abraham Maslow
C. Elton Mayo
D. Frederick Herzberg
The correct answer is: A
Rationale: Frederick Taylor is associated with scientific management. The other writers are associated with the human relations school, focusing on the role of 'higher order' needs (such as challenge and interest in the work) in human motivation.
Ways in: You could halve your options by realising that Maslow and Herzberg belong to the same school: therefore the 'odd one out' must be one of the other two.