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考试网  [ 2017年5月10日 ] 【


  Question:Which of the following statements is true in respect of inventory cut-off?

  A. The invoice relating to the first goods received after the inventory count has been completed should be included in purchases and payables.

  B. Where the invoice in relation to the first goods received after the inventory count is completed has not been received, it should be included in a provision for goods received not invoiced.

  C. The invoice in relation to the last goods despatched before the inventory count is conducted should be included in sales and receivables.

  D. The invoice relating to the last goods received before the inventory count is conducted should be included in purchases and payables.

  E. The invoice relating to the first goods despatched after the inventory count has been completed should be included in sales and receivables.

  The correct answers are: The invoice relating to the last goods received before the inventory count is conducted should be included in purchases and payables; The invoice in relation to the last goods despatched before the inventory count is conducted should be included in sales and receivables.

  解析:The invoice relating to the first goods received after the inventory count has been completed should not be included in purchases and payables, nor should the invoice relating to the first goods despatched after the inventory count has been completed be included in sales and receivables. Where the invoice in relation to the last goods received before the inventory count is completed has not been received (not the first goods received after the count), it should be included in a provision for goods received not invoiced.

  Question:An individual or organisation having expertise in a field other than auditing or accounting, whose work in that field is used by the entity to assist the entity in preparing the financial statements is known as:

  A. An auditor's internal expert

  B. An expert valuer

  C. An auditor's external expert

  D. Management's expert

  The correct answer is: Management's expert

  Management's expert is an individual or organisation having expertise in a field other than auditing or accounting, whose work in that field is used by the entity to assist the entity in preparing the financial statements.

  An auditor's expert is an individual or organisation who has expertise in a field other than auditing or accounting, whose work in that field is used by the auditor to assist the auditor in obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence. An auditor's expert may be an auditor's internal expert (partner or staff,including temporary staff, of the auditor's firm or network firm) or an auditor's external expert.

  Valuers are not the only experts used by management or the auditor.

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