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考试网  [ 2017年4月6日 ] 【

  Question:Which of these would not be an advantage of external social and environmental reporting?

  A. It enhances accountability to shareholders and other stakeholders.

  B. It can limit damage to reputation if the company has generated adverse environmental impacts.

  C. It can provide marketing opportunities.

  D. It ensures the company reduces its environmental footprint.

  The correct answer is: It ensures the company reduces its environmental footprint.

  解析:It may encourage the company to reduce its footprint, but it does not ensure it will. The company may report an increased footprint each year. However the fact that this is being reported will improve accountability, as it gives stakeholders the opportunity to make better-informed judgements about what the company is doing.

  Question:Which recommendation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act addresses the problem of over-familiarity of the audit firm with the client?

  A. Rotation of audit firms every seven years

  B. Rotation of lead audit partner every year

  C. Rotation of lead audit partner every five years

  D. Audit partner not to become chair of the internal audit committee

  E. Rotation of audit firms every three years

  The answer is: Rotation of lead audit partner every five years.

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