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考试网  [ 2017年3月28日 ] 【

  Question:Which of the following matters would you expect to see covered in an internal audit report?

  A. Key action points.

  B. Distribution list of all personnel.

  C. Summary of work outstanding.

  D. Background to the assignment.

  E. Disclaimer of liability.

  F. Responses from management affected.

  G. Major outcomes of the work.

  The correct answers are: Major outcomes of the work; Key action points; Summary of work outstanding; Background to the assignment; Responses from management affected.

  解析:These should all be covered in an internal audit report.

  There would be no disclaimer of liability in an internal audit report. It is an internal report for the purposes of management and would not be made public externally of the company, and even to some parts of the company. Internal audit cannot themselves disclaim liability to the addressees of their reports, as they are answerable to them by virtue of their employment. In addition, as has just been suggested, internal audit reports will usually have a restricted audience even within the organisation, and therefore, although they will contain a distribution list, it is unlikely to cover all employees.

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