


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-19 20:24:21


Chinese Dining Etiquette


China has a long history of dining culture, and with the changes of times, dining etiquette has also evolved. Here are some common Chinese dining etiquette:

1. 座次: 在正式的宴会上,座次是非常重要的。通常,主宾会坐在宴席的中心,而其他人会按照地位高低坐在主客席的左右两侧。如果你不确定自己的座次,可以询问主人或者其他宾客。

Seating: At formal banquets, seating is very important. Usually, the guest of honor will sit in the center of the banquet, while others will sit on the left and right sides according to their status. If you are unsure of your seating position, you can ask the host or other guests.

2. 筷子: 在中国,使用筷子是非常普遍的。使用筷子时,应该注意以下几点:不要用筷子指着别人,不要插在饭中间,不要将筷子交叉放在餐盘上,不要将筷子竖立在碗中,不要用筷子碰到碗或者其他餐具。

Chopsticks: In China, the use of chopsticks is very common. When using chopsticks, you should pay attention to the following points: do not point at others with chopsticks, do not stick chopsticks in the middle of the rice, do not cross chopsticks on the plate, do not stand chopsticks upright in the bowl, and do not touch the bowl or other utensils with chopsticks.

3. 饮食: 在中国,饮食是非常注重的。在宴会上,通常会有很多道菜,每道菜都有自己的用餐方式。例如,有些菜需要用勺子吃,有些菜需要用手抓,有些菜需要用筷子夹。在用餐时,应该尽量避免浪费食物,不要把自己喜欢的菜夹得过多,也不要吃得太快。

Dining: In China, dining is highly regarded. At banquets, there are usually many dishes, each with its own dining method. For example, some dishes require a spoon to eat, some require hands to grab, and some require chopsticks to pick up. When dining, you should try to avoid wasting food, not take too much of your favorite dish, and not eat too quickly.

4. 礼仪: 在中国,餐桌礼仪也是非常重要的。在吃完一道菜之后,应该等待其他人也吃完这道菜之后再开始下一道菜。当别人为你倒酒时,应该用两只手拿住酒杯,表示感谢。在用餐时,应该保持安静,不要大声喧哗。

Etiquette: In China, dining etiquette is also very important. After finishing a dish, you should wait for others to finish the dish before starting the next one. When someone pours wine for you, you should hold the wine glass with both hands to show gratitude. When dining, you should keep quiet and not be too loud.


In summary, dining etiquette is highly regarded in China. By following these etiquette rules, it can make diners feel comfortable and enjoyable.




